• English Heritage Publish Guidance on New Work in Historic Places of Worship


    English Heritage have published new guidance on undertaking new work in Historic Places of Worship.  The guidance will be an additional tool for the issues and ideas that should be considered when proposing new work to Historic Places of Worship.  The guidance sees an emphasis on Historic Places of worship remaining at the centre of the community and being a living building, with assistance in helping congregations accommodate the changes to achieve this.  It is the wider activities of the community that can be engaged within these places to give this idea of a living building.

    English Heritage consider that new work in Historic Places should:

    – be based on an understanding of the cultural and heritage significance of the building;

    – minimise harm to the special historic, archaeological, architectural and artistic interest of the building, its contents and setting;

    – bring with it public benefits, such as securing the long-tern use of the building, which outweigh harm to significance;

    – achieve high standards of design, craftsmanship and materials.

    Significance plays an important part in the decision making process and guidance on identifying significance is outlined, however, the reference is the now superseded PPS5 rather than the new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPS).  I give a comparison on this in an earlier posting.

    Guidance is given on common issues such as the integration of services, energy efficiency, lighting and security.  Allowing both designers and congregations to consider the options and issues.

    This is a piece of guidance that looks for the opportunities for long term viability of our Historic Environment and sits well with the guidance of NPPF.

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