• Suffolk Surveyors Support Homeless Charities and Surveyors

    Each year the RICS matrics (Trainee and 10 year post achieving Chartered status Surveyors) are set a challenge to raise money for charity.  Dayle Bayliss as Chair of Suffolk RICS matrics was set the challenge of raising money around a baking theme for the charities CRASH and LionHeart.  CRASH is a homeless charity supported by the construction industry and LionHeart is the benevolent surveyors charity.  The challenge is for each RICS region to raise the most amount of money.

    During March a pudding night was organised with the assistance of Suffolk New College’s Shelleys Restaurant and attended by construction professionals from across Suffolk.  An evening of cakes and contracts was also organised by Dayle and hosted by Edge Consult Ltd.  Together the two events raised £810 for the two charities.

    Our thanks to all those that supported the events and currently sees Suffolk Surveyors at the top of the leader board – for the time being.




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